Thursday, March 31, 2016

Top 8 Favorite WrestleMania Matches

We've finally arrived at that time of the year that means so much for wrestling fans: WrestleMania!!! Well, we're still technically a few days away from WrestleMania weekend, but that doesn't really matter because this week always gets me hyped up every year. It's a great opportunity to reminisce on the most storied moments in Mania history, so that's what I'm going to do. You might see that some of the most memorable and legendary moments aren't on my list. The reason for that is because I didn't become a fan until WrestleMania 23, meaning I didn't grow up with the iconic moments like Hogan/Andre or the Iron Man match. Because of this, heading into those moments had way too much hype to live up to. These are the matches that have wowed me with the in-ring work and the moments they created with me as a fan, regardless of any hype or historical significance. Without further ado, let's get right to it with my Top 8 Favorite WrestleMania Matches.

Number 8: Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan (WrestleMania XXX)

I know I talked about this one already in my Favorite Daniel Bryan Matches list, so I won't go too much more into depth on this one. The important thing to take away from this match is that it had a monstrously over story that pitted the much hated authority figure against the never say die underdog. The winner would move on to the main event and compete for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. They were given 25 minutes and put on a match that had the audience completely riveted. With good in-ring psychology, storytelling, and crowd reactions, this is one of the greatest opening matches to a PPV ever, let alone a WrestleMania. From the video package, to the entrances, to the match stipulation, to the match quality, everything about this match screams "epic moment."

Number 7: John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 23)

They say that you always remember your first and that was definitely the case with my first WrestleMania. Without Mania 23, I wouldn't be who I am today. I wouldn't spend the last 10 years of my life being a fan of professional wrestling, wouldn't have made some of the friends I've made over the years, and wouldn't be running my own wrestling blog. So naturally, a moment from my first wrestling show is always sure to get me in the mood for WrestleMania. With tons of moments to choose from, the forefront of epic encounters was in the main event. John Cena defended his WWE Championship against Shawn Michaels. With both of them holding the World Tag Team Championships, this was a story of former allies clashing for the richest prize in the industry. In front of over 80,000 fans, this match also really helped legitimize Cena as the face that runs the place. Whether you loved him or hated him, you had to respect him after a match like that. It was the right match, against the right opponent, at the right time of year. A classic that created an instant life-long fan out of yours truly.

Number 6: The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian (WrestleMania 2000)

I knew I was going to include a ladder match to feature Edge in this countdown, but I was torn between this and the first Money in the Bank match. At the end of the day, I appreciated that this match signaled the arrival of 3 tag teams, rather than a match that signaled the arrival of one future main eventer. I've always been partial to this match over their future TLC encounters, probably because those two matches had to try and elevate the standard these 3 teams set in this match. The spots they take are jaw dropping to see at the time. While it was supposed to be a Triangle Ladder Match, tables made their presence known within the match numerous times, foreshadowing the matches that would connect these 3 teams together for over a year. These are 3 of the greatest tag teams to come out of their era, if not 3 of the greatest teams in wrestling history, that had their opportunity to shine at on the Grandest Stage of 'Em All. And they definitely made the most of it, climbing the ladder (pun intended) towards tag team immortality.

Number 5: The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (WrestleMania XIX)

It's not too out there for fans to include a Rock/Austin match in their favorite Mania bouts. But most wouldn't choose THIS encounter. They'd pick the WrestleMania X-Seven match and put it in the Top 3. Not on MY list! I was always more of a Rock guy more than an Austin guy anyways, so it makes sense I'd favor the one that Rock actually wins. But that isn't the only reason I prefer this match. There's the fact that this is Austin's last match, the commentary from JR and King is really on point, and this one doesn't end with a BS ending like the one at Mania X-Seven. All kidding aside, the Rock/Austin trilogy is a milestone in Mania's history, and their final encounter is the one I consider the most important chapter in their storied rivalry.

Number 4: The Ultimate Warrior vs. Macho Man Randy Savage (WrestleMania VII)

Every time I watch this match, it's like I'm watching art. Warrior and Savage had a great rivalry that stemmed from Warrior's refusal to give Savage a title shot. By the time they got to this match, it was so personal that it was more important than the belt (it said so on Warrior's tights). With a retirement stipulation, this match also had the implication that one of these beloved superstars would leave us for good. Of course, since that didn't happen at all, it gets a minor ding which pushed it to the Number 4 slot, but it's still a darn impressive accomplishment. The two put on an adrenaline-filled encounter, with every pinfall a second away from the end of a career. Macho Man lost the battle, but was victorious in defeat as he reunited with Miss Elizabeth. With tears streaming down the faces of fans everywhere, it created an emotional moment that had everyone rejoicing. It just gives me chills whenever I watch it.With the level of professional Savage was, it only makes sense that he'd be the guy to pull a 5-star match out of Warrior.

Number 3: Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (WrestleMania X)

This is the greatest opening match in Mania history, and easily the greatest sibling rivalry story to take place in wrestling. The quality of effort Bret and Owen put into this match is off the charts. Bret was already over as the top babyface in the company, so he didn't need this match in order to succeed. In fact, that part of the story is utilized throughout the night. He wrestles later that night for the WWF Championship, so he wasn't really going to lose everything if he lost this match. Owen NEEDED to win this match, but I'm sure there wasn't many that expected him to win. At the time, this was considered a huge upset for The Rocket, and it today has stood the test of time as a huge landmark match in the careers of both Hart brothers. There's so many little nuances in the match that I love. From Owen's premature celebrations, to the battle over who could apply the Sharpshooter, and to the match's sudden finish. This match is a definite showcase of how both brothers were great talents, but Owen was just a little better on that night.

Number 2: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (WrestleMania XXV)

The two seasoned competitors size one another up.My Top 2 was a real Sophie's Choice, boiling down to the greater match and moment combination. For Shawn and Taker, the moment was already made before the match ever happened. It was the two most important performers in Mania history squaring off at the 25th WrestleMania. In anyone's right mind, this should have been the main event so it wouldn't take the spotlight away from the other matches. Of course, it wasn't the main event, so it was probably the biggest show stealer in Mania history. It's an obvious 5-star classic between two of my all-time favorite performers that was the saving grace from one of the biggest disappointments in wrestling PPV history.

Number 1: Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit (WrestleMania XX)

But my Favorite WrestleMania Match is going to be Chris Benoit achieving his dream at Madison Square Garden. I'm prepared to have a good number of people crucify me for my choice, but hear me out. Regardless of Benoit's actions in the end as a person, this crowning achievement for Benoit the performer is something you wait your whole life to see. It's the 20th WrestleMania, in Madison Square Garden no less, against two of the greatest ever in Shawn Michaels and Triple H. After competing all over the world for over 15 years, Chris Benoit wrestled a perfect Triple Threat main event and walked away World Heavyweight Champion. That moment is great enough on its own, but the cherry on top is the closing moment. Benoit celebrating in the ring with his best friend, WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero. The tears just flow out of me every time I watch this. It's an amazing and inspiring moment that is the perfect close to an amazing show like Mania XX. If someone asked me to only watch one match, every day, for the rest of my life, THIS is the match I would choose. In my mind, it's absolute perfection!

Are there any that I'm forgetting? Is there one on this list that you think isn't deserving of a top spot? Well, let me know in the comments and also suggest what type of wrestling countdown you'd like to see me do next.

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